Fall Ball
Fall is a great time to play baseball. The focus is on skill-building, having fun, and allowing kids to continue to develop a love for the game of baseball.
Director of Fall Ball - Ben Weiner
Age 6-7 year old:
The 6/7 Division is a consistent format with the “Coach Pitch Single A” format and emphasizes the basic fundamentals of baseball, including catching, throwing, hitting, baserunning and fielding skills. The focus at this age group is on skill-building, teaching the proper mechanics of throwing, catching, and fielding. Team building, sportsmanship, and keeping the game fun are all important components at this age level. Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in this level of Little League. Ideally, each team will have 3-4 parent coaches/volunteers. Depending on interest from surrounding town leagues this division will be offered as either an In-House League or Inter-League format. Practice is 1 time per week on a weeknight and 1 game per week on Saturday..
Age 8-9 year old:
The 8/9 Division is primarily consistent with the “AA and AAA, Player Pitch Formats and is a district level league with surrounding towns. Skill building and teaching the proper mechanics as well as growing the finer points of throwing, catching, fielding, and baserunning are all very important at this age. Team building, sportsmanship, and keeping the game fun are all important components at this age level. There will be 2 games per week (Either Monday or Tuesday and on Saturday) as well as one practice per week.
Age 10-11 year old:
The 10/11 Division is primarily consistent with the “AAA and Majors Formats and is a district level league with surrounding towns. Increased skill building and growing the finer points of throwing, catching, fielding, and baserunning are all very important at this age. Team building, sportsmanship, and keeping the game fun are all important components. There will be 2 games per week (Either Wednesday or Thursday and on Saturday) as well as one practice per week.
Age 12-13 - Junior Division:
The kids play on the larger, regulation, high school size fields. Skill building, team building, and keeping the game fun are all important components at this age level. Junior Division plays 2 games a week (Wednesday and Saturday) along with i practice per week.
Age 14-16 - Senior Division
The kids play on the larger, regulation, high school size fields. Skill building, team building, and keeping the game fun are all important components at this age level. Senior Division plays 2 games a week (Tuesday and Saturday) along with i practice per week.
Bat regulations:
All bats have to be USA approved and have USA logo on them. For ages 12 and above, the BBCORE bats or wood bats can also be used.